D.E.S.K. GPRS System

The D.E.S.K. GPRS Channel features:

  • Supervised Two-way Wireless communication.
  • No range limit. Operating from everywhere with GSM/GPRS coverage.
  • Very fast Event transmission: 2-5 seconds for Event Transmission + Acknowledge from the Central Alarm Monitoring Station (CAMS) - comparable to 2-way Long Range Radio transmission. Much better that One-way Radio (for multiple messages) and Tel. Channel transmission speeds.
  • All GPRS End Units are fully supervised. Supervision signal interval can be individually programmed into each End Unit (the GPRS Server is automatically updated with the data - by the End Unit).
  • Very efficient message encoding allows 5 minutes Supervision signal interval with only 1 Mbyte/Month of total data traffic (including the TCP/IP overhead).
  • Full End-Unit status report on each Supervision signal, including I/O status, Power & Battery status, and GSM Received Signal Strength (RSSI) at the End-Unit.
  • Full Upload/Download of all Parameters and Status Request Report - over the GPRS channel.
  • Remote Control of End-Unit outputs via the GPRS channel.
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The D.E.S.K. GPRS Server features:

  • Can handle 2000+ GPRS connections (End-Units).
  • Download/Upload from/to a selected End-Unit. All unit parameters can be Downloaded, viewed - and optionally altered and Uploaded back.
  • Status Update from a specific End-Unit. Sending a Status Report request to a selected End-Unit. Received report includes all End-Unit I/O statuses, the Voltage reading at the Power Supply and the Battery inputs (Analog display), and an update on the RSSI and BER.
  • Outputs Remote Control to a selected End-Unit: On/Off control of each Output.
  • NO manual data-base updates required. All End-Units connection data is automatically updated at each new connection and Supervision "Alive" signal reception.
  • RSSI (Received Signal Strength) History for each End-Unit:
    - Graphic display (selecting Start/End Date/Times);
    - Automatic alert on single drop below a specified threshold (with hysterezis);
    - Automatic alert for a gradual degradation in RSSI over time.
  • General Display:
    - List of "Connected OK" and "Connection Failed" End-Units;
    - All arriving Messages and Supervision ("Alive") signals;
    - Connection and Queue status to the Automation Software
  • Status display for each End-Unit connection (automatically updated data-base):
    - Unit type, Client ID number, IP address;
    - Received Signal Strength (RSSI) and Bit Error Rate (BER)(at the End-Unit side) - as received in the last "Alive" signal;
    - The "Alive" signal interval and number of missing "Alive" signals before a "Communication Lost" Event is generated for this Client - (received and updated from the End-Unit on each "Alive" signal);
    - Last received (Contact-ID) Event from the End-Unit (inc. Date/time);
    - Last received "Alive" signal Date/Time;
    - End-Unit Status (last status as received in the "Alive" signal), including: Outputs state, Input Voltage & Battery state, Box Tamper, Ext. Panel Connection status.
  • Connection to Automation Software:
    - 2 Serial Comm. Outputs for Main and Backup connection;
    - Automatic switchover between the Main and Backup output when no acknowledge is received (toggled operation);
    - Standard Contact-ID messaging format.
  • Hardware: standard PC with WinXP O/S.
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The DESK End-Units (RTDs)

1. RTD-804G


  • Replacement for Two-Way and One-Way Long-Range Radio Communicator;
  • General purpose Alerts Communicator (to Central Alarm Monitoring Station and user SMS).
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  • 8 individually programmable Inputs:
    - Polarity (N.C. or N.O.);
    - Contact_ID Event code, Group, Zone/User number;
    - Response time;
    - Transmission channel selection:
    - GPRS on Event
    - GPRS on Restore
    - SMS on Event (Select from 8 Tel. numbers(option))
    - SMS on Restore (Select from 8 Tel. numbers (option))
    - SMS text message definition (on Event + on Restore) (option).
  • Box Tamper Input (N.C.)
  • 4 Outputs for Remote Control:
    - 1 Change-Over dry contact Relay;
    - 3 open-collector, 1 Amp. Max.;
  • Serial connection to our AP-4008 and AP-8016 Alarm Panels
All Panel Events are sent in Contact-Id format (integrated Alarm Panel & GPRS Communicator).

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2. RTD-804GP


  • Replacement for Two-Way and One-Way Long-Range Radio Communicator
  • Replacement for Alarm Panels Cellular Adaptor
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  • All the features of the RTD-804G.
  • Connection to ALL types of Alarm Panels: Telephone Line and Central Station Receiver simulation for the Panel . Messages received from the Panel are sent via the GPRS channel in Contact-ID format.
  • Telephone Line monitoring and Failure report via the GPRS channel.
  • Automatic switching of Tel. Line to the Panel in case of GPRS channel failure.
  • GPRS channel Failure output - to be reported by the Panel on the standard Tel. Channel.
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3. RTD-804GT


  • General purpose Alerts Communicator with Telephone Channel backup dialer (GPRS + Tel. Channel communicator to Central Alarm Monitoring Station + SMS to user phone).
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  • All the features of the RTD-804G.
  • Tel. Channel dialer for backup.
  • Telephone Line monitoring and Failure report via the GPRS channel.
  • GRPS channel failure reported via the Tel. Channel.
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4. RTD-804GT-24


  • Communicator with Telephone Channel backup dialer (GPRS + Tel. Channel communicator to Central Alarm Monitoring Station + SMS to user phone) - for 24 Volt equipped Fire Alarm Systems.
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  • All the features of the RDT-804GT
  • 24 Volt operation (max. 30 VDC)
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5. microNet-2002GT


  • Integrated GPRS & Tel. Channel Alarm Panel (8-64 zones) - see our "microNet-2002" system description.
  • Full Alarm Panel Remote Control via the GPRS channel.
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